Gender: M
Performance (sum of best 4): 2988.52
Age Grading (sum of best 4): 293.55
Participation: 5 Race(s)
Performance Ranking: 30
Age Graded Ranking: 43
Junior Ranking: N/A

# Race Time Performance Age Graded View
3 'First Half' Half Marathon 01:30:33 663.70 64.48%
5 Vancouver Sun Run 10K 00:34:40 783.89 77.07%
7 BMO Vancouver Marathon 02:51:04 734.04 71.87%
10 Summerfast 10K 00:34:20 791.50 77.82%
11 Under Armour Eastside 10K 00:40:01 679.09 66.79%