Gender: M
Performance (sum of best 4): 2670.50
Age Grading (sum of best 4): 319.11
Participation: 5 Race(s)
Performance Ranking: 58
Age Graded Ranking: 20
Junior Ranking: N/A

# Race Time Performance Age Graded View
1 Harriers Pioneer 8k 00:33:40 636.71 76.72%
8 Longest Day 5K 00:20:55 621.80 75.72%
9 Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon 01:33:41 641.50 75.44%
11 Under Armour Eastside 10K 00:38:50 699.78 84.47%
12 GoodLife Fitness Victoria Half Marathon 01:26:47 692.50 82.21%