Gender: F
Performance (sum of best 4): 3369.23
Age Grading (sum of best 4): 333.67
Participation: 6 Race(s)
Performance Ranking: 9
Age Graded Ranking: 12
Junior Ranking: N/A

# Race Time Performance Age Graded View
1 Harriers Pioneer 8k 00:30:36 794.90 78.62%
2 Steveston Icebreaker 8k 00:30:46 790.60 78.19%
4 St Patrick's Day 5K 00:17:16 863.04 85.61%
5 Vancouver Sun Run 10K 00:36:48 834.10 82.52%
10 Summerfast 10K 00:37:21 821.82 81.30%
11 Under Armour Eastside 10K 00:36:06 850.27 84.24%