BC Athletics respects the privacy and personal information of our members. BC Athletics collects a limited amount of personal information for the purpose of carrying out its responsibilities as the Provincial Sport Organization.

Accountability (Principle 1)

BC Athletics is responsible for all personal information under our control, and the policies and practices we employ for handling this information to ensure this organization complies with the provincial privacy legislation in force. For more information on our policies or, should you have any concerns, please contact our privacy officer whose contact information is listed at the end of this document.

Identifying Purposes (Principle 2)

BC Athletics collects personal information from members for the purpose of:

  • Establishing and maintaining a responsible relationship with the members and the provision of ongoing service.
  • To understand your needs and preferences.
  • To manage and develop our operations.
  • To maintain an historical record of performances in Athletics.
  • To provide for a historical record of membership.
  • To meet legal and regulatory requirements.

This information includes:

  • Membership type you are registered in with BC Athletics.
  • Club Executive position you hold - if applicable.
  • BC Athletics Committee or Board of Directors position you hold - if applicable.
  • Date of application
  • New or Renewing member
  • Date of Birth - MM/DD/YY
  • Gender - Male / Female
  • Name
  • Address - residence and alternate address e.g. University/College students
  • Phone and Fax number(s) - Residential/Business/Cellular and others as necessary.
  • Email address(es)
  • Country of Birth
  • Citizenship or Landed Immigrant status (date or current application progess)
  • Occupation
  • Employer
  • Coach - the name of your coach.
  • Club - BC Athletics member club you are a member of.
  • Event(s)/Discipline(s) you take part in - e.g. high jump, cross country, road running.
  • Results from events you take part in.
  • Coaching Certification level: Theory; Technical; Practical
    • Event Area specialty - e.g. Jumps, Throw, Sprints, Hurdles, Distance
    • Full time paid; Part time paid; Part time volunteer
    • Number of athletes: Male / Female / Age Range
  • Officials Certification - Grade and Discipline
  • Medical information as relates to BC Team Programs - e.g. National Legion T&F Championships; Western Canada and Canada Games.
  • Parent(s)/Guardian(s) name(s) and contact information as relates to BC Team programs and for emergency use purposes.
  • Criminal Records report as may be required for: BC Team Programs; Employment with BC Athletics; Working with children and adults; Volunteer work in any capacity with BC Athletics.
  • Performances from runs and competitions.
  • Garment sizes as relates to: BC Team Program - competition and walkout uniforms; Officials - incentive program and souvenir items from event organizers; Other volunteer recognition garments; Event entry and participants souvenir garments.
  • Information arising out of a disciplinary hearing held as a result of the contravention of: The BC Athletics Codes of Conduct; The BC Athletics Policy on Harassment ; and other matters that discredit Athletics and/or individuals involved in Athletics.

Members will be notified if their personal information is to be used for purposes other than those indicated here. In the normal course of business, your information may be viewed by computer and accounting personnel.

Consent (Principle 3)

As a member, your personal information is requested to enable BC Athletics to meet its needs and provide the information as is necessary to carry out the programs and services to the members. It will only be collected, used and disclosed for this purpose. On this basis, it is reasonable to conclude that you have provided consent for this purpose.

Limiting Collection (Principle 4)

Personal information collected on members is limited to the purposes as identified. Additional information or disclosure would require notification to the member(s).

Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention (Principle 5)

Personal information will not be used, disclosed or retained for purposes other than those identified above and will only be retained for as long as necessary to fulfill those purposes or as required by law. When it is no longer required, all personal information would be destroyed in a manner that recognizes the sensitivity of the information.

Accuracy (Principle 6)

To ensure the accuracy of the personal information, BC Athletics encourages members and staff to maintain records that are accurate and up-to-date. Members should notify staff immediately if there is a change.

Safeguards (Principle 7)

BC Athletics will take reasonable steps to ensure the personal information under its control will be protected from unauthorized use and disclosure appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.

Openness (Principle 8)

Information on the policies of BC Athletics is available to members. Please direct your enquiries to the privacy officer as noted below.

Individual Access (Principle 9)

An individual can request to view their personal information held by BC Athletics by contacting the privacy officer. A member or employee can challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have it amended as appropriate.

We will be guided by the relevant section of the Act and the directives of the BC Government Ministry as amended on occasion.

Challenge Compliance (Principle 10)

Should a member lodge a complaint regarding BC Athletics' compliance with the Act, a complaint can be filed with our privacy officer. All complaints will be investigated by the privacy officer who will respond to the complaint. In the event the complainant remains dissatisfied, a formal complaint can be made to the provincial Information and Privacy Commissioner.

How to contact our Privacy Officer

Name: Cristi Lundman
Title: Operations Manager
Address: BC Athletics, 2001-B 3713 Kensington Ave, Burnaby, BC V5B 0A7
Phone: 604-333-3556
Fax: 604-333-3551