BC Athletics Club Registrars

General Info

This page will be updated regularly with information for BC Athletics affiliated club Registrars.  As information and news items become available they will be posted so please check this page regularly.  If you would like to see something added to the page or if you have any questions please let me know!  

I am physically in the BC Athletics office Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and work remotely on Mondays and Fridays.  I have full access to emails and phone calls Monday to Friday.


Sam Collier - Manager Registration & Membership Services

Ph: (604) 333-3556      Fax:  (604) 333-3551


2018 Membership Year

Membership Fees for 2018:

  There are no changes to the membership fees for 2018. 

2018 Club Membership:

   You can renew your club membership beginning September 1, 2017.  You must renew your club membership on T.Me in order to enter 2018 memberships. 

   Once you have renewed your club membership on T.Me you will need to make SURE that all of the requirements are met in order to have the club’s 2018 membership ready to submit to the BC Athletics Board of Directors for approval:

  1. All 2017 membership invoices on T.me will must be paid
  2. All other outstanding BC Athletics invoices and any other amounts outstanding must be paid.   
  3. The club will need to have a minimum of 5, first claim, 2018 club members
  4. All outstanding Post Event Submissions for BC Athletics sanctioned events must be submitted and paid.

   The 2017 club membership will remain in place until December 31st, 2017 – after that you will need to be sure that you’ve renewed the club for 2018 so all benefits are in place including liability insurance. 

Registrar Requirements:

In order to have access to 2018 membership renewals you will need to do the following:

  1. Renewing the Club Membership for 2018
  2. Renew your Associate membership for 2018
  3. Have a 2018 Trackie.me Waiver filed with the BC Athletics office.

Club Member Memberships:

Make sure that 2018 individual memberships are in place on January 1, 2018 for everyone active in your club on that date.  If a membership, appropriate to their activity in the club, is not in place then there is no insurance coverage in place for either the club or the member.  This includes: 

  • Club Board of Directors and Executive (Club Manager etc.)  All club executive members must have an active Associate membership in place at all times to ensure that both the club and the executive member are covered by liability insurance.
  • Coaches who are actively coaching
  • Athletes who are actively training and competing. 

Note:  If you are initially entering athletes as “Training” at the beginning of the year, you will need to contact me in order to have upgrades done.  You are not able to do that yourselves at this point.  Clubs who handle memberships this way must remember to get memberships upgraded once athletes begin to compete or their performances will not be tracked.   Last year there were a number of cases where memberships weren’t upgraded in time and key performances were not considered for national rankings, team selections etc. 

  • Make sure club members hold an appropriate BC Athletics membership covering them for all of the areas they participate in.  The membership fee charged for a member who has multiple membership types will be the highest fee over all the types they have.  Members only pay 1 fee, but in order for insurance coverage to be in place for the club and the member, they must have all membership types properly indicated on T.Me.  Example: a Coach who is an athlete and serves on the club board and officiates must have a Coach, Official, Associate and Master membership indicated on T.me – the fee he/she will pay is $68.25.

Individual Club Members:

Make sure that 2018 individual memberships are in place on January 1, 2018 for everyone active in your club on that date.  If a membership, appropriate to their activity in the club, is not in place then there is no insurance coverage in place for either the club or the member.  This includes: 

  • Club Board of Directors and Executive (Club Manager etc.)  All club executive members must have an active Associate membership in place at all times to ensure that both the club and the executive member are covered by liability insurance.
  • Coaches who are actively coaching
  • Athletes who are actively training and competing. 

Note:  If you are initially entering athletes as “Training” at the beginning of the year, you will need to contact me in order to have upgrades done.  You are not able to do that yourselves at this point.  Clubs who handle memberships this way must remember to get memberships upgraded once athletes begin to compete or their performances will not be tracked.   Last year there were a number of cases where memberships weren’t upgraded in time and key performances were not considered for national rankings, team selections etc. 

  • Make sure club members hold an appropriate BC Athletics membership covering them for all of the areas they participate in.  The membership fee charged for a member who has multiple membership types will be the highest fee over all the types they have.  Members only pay 1 fee, but in order for insurance coverage to be in place for the club and the member, they must have all membership types properly indicated on T.Me.  Example: a Coach who is an athlete and serves on the club board and officiates must have a Coach, Official, Associate and Master membership indicated on T.me – the fee he/she will pay is $68.25.


Trackie.me Invoice Payments:

   T.me invoices must be paid within 1 month of the date they are created on the website. For example a T.me invoice for August, created on August 31st must be paid by October 1st.  In order to keep the club membership in good standing please be sure invoices are paid on time.  Clubs who are not in good standing run the risk of jeopardizing their liability insurance coverage.

   Invoices can be paid the following ways:

  • Online payments can be done if your club uses Trackie.Reg for your club memberships.
  • Online payment can also be done if your club does not use Trackie.Reg for your club memberships.
  • By cheque through the mail.
  • By credit card:
    • Call in to pay an invoice – or -
    • Set up a card with me at the BC Athletics office to be used to automatically do the payment each month.  I will do the payment and send you an electronic receipt each month.

Criminal Records Checks

   Everyone in your club with a Coach, Associate or Officials membership MUST have a Criminal Records Check (CRC) on file with your club.  This is a BC Athletics rule and a requirement by the Province of British Columbia.  Without a CRC on file members run the risk of compromising their liability insurance coverage.  There are currently a large number of individuals who should have a CRC noted on their membership data but there is nothing indicated. 

    If your members have a CRC done and on file with the club get  the information entered on T.Me as soon as possible.  A CRC is good with BC Athletics for a period of 4 years.  Enter the date of the CRC and enter a date exactly 4 years later as the Expiry date.  

Criminal Records Check Requirements

Members who hold an Associate, Coach or Official membership must have a Criminal Records Check (CRC) on file at all times. Each BC Athletics afiiliated club must ensure that this requirement is met.  CRC's are valid for 4 years.  Club Registrars must keep up to date CRC information on Trackie.me.   CRC information

Free on-line Criminal Records Checks are now available to specified organizations through the Province of British Columbia Criminal Records Review Program.

General Information

Club Registration

Volunteer consent form

Requests for a Certificate of Insurance

Clubs are regularly required to provide proof of insurance coverage for renting facilities for meetings, use of facilities for training etc. PLease complete a Request for Certificate of Insurance Form 

2018 Club Contact email address

BC Athletics will need to get important information out to clubs and to specific club members from time to time. This information may be time sensitive and may or may not be included in BCA Blog posts or available on the BC Athletics website.  Each year when your club is renewed please provide one email address that BC Athletics can rely on to be monitored on a regular basis so that information communicated will reach the appropriate parties.

If you want more than one contact please complete the form for each person/email address

2018 BC Athletics Club Email Contact Form

Who needs to be a BC Athletics member?

Good question.  It’s probably obvious that club athletes and their coaches need to be members of BC Athletics, but who else should be a member?

In order for insurance coverage to be in place clubs must ensure that ALL of the rules of the association are met.  This means it’s critical that everyone who should be a BC Athletics member has a membership applicable to their activities in the club in place at all times.  Members who participate in more than one type of activity in the club must make sure they have all the membership types they need indicated.  Someone who Coaches, takes part in Masters’ athletics and serves on the club Board of Directors should have a Coach, Masters and Associate membership noted in their membership information on Trackie.me.  Members with multiple membership types only pay one fee - the highest fee over all types applied for. 

Make sure all memberships a club member needs are indicated and in place so if proof is ever needed that they held a membership appropriate for their activities it’s in place.  Their memberships need to be entered on T.me as soon as they are active in the club each year.  If coaches and athletes are training as of January 1st make sure they have their BC Athletics memberships in place on January 1st. Your club Board of Directors and club executive need to have their Associate memberships in place on January 1st as well.

All club athletes must have a BC Athletics competitive membership in place.  Competitive athletes should have their BC Athletics memberships in place on January 1st each year.  This will ensure that:

  • The athlete, coach and the club have insurance in place.
  • Any performances achieved early in the year will be recognized for:
    • Team Selection
    • Provincial and National Rankings
    • Provincial and National carding
    • Those athletes receiving national and/or provincial carding are eligible to receive funds.

Athletes who hold non-competitive memberships such as “Training” also need to have their memberships in place to ensure the athlete, coach and club have insurance in place.

Club Board of Directors and Executive members:

  Your Board of Directors and/or Club Executive must all be members of BC Athletics with an “Associate” membership in place.  In a lot of cases these individuals participate in a number of different activities in the club so be SURE all membership types they require are noted.

  The club BOD is also active all year round so make sure they have their memberships in place on January 1st each year.  Even if they join January 1st and your club has an AGM and elections within a month, the existing BOD members must be covered by an current Associate membership.  Then, as soon as new Board members are elected they need to get their membership in place.

  To be safe, if an individual has a recognized ongoing position/responsibility that is ongoing in the club they should have a membership in place.  An example would be a Club Manager.

2nd Claim Club memberships:
If someone is actively taking part in your club but holds a first claim membership with another club you must ensure that:

  1. They are in fact a current member of the first claim club
  2. They have a BC Athletics membership in place that is appropriate for the activities in your club
  3. A 2nd Claim Club Status form has been completed and signed by all 3 parties – the individual (Section 1), the First Claim club (Section 2) and the 2nd Claim Club. 
  4. The 2nd Claim Club Status form clearly indicates the type of activity the individual is involved in, in your club.

The form must be submitted to BC Athletics.  It will be verified, signed and returned to all parties involved.   The signed form must be kept on file by all parties for the remainder of the membership year. A new form must be filed for each membership year.   All membership forms and information should be kept on file for a period of 5 years by the clubs. 

At the present time there is no way to indicate 2nd Claim Club membership on Trackie.me but eventually that will be available.  2nd Claim Club members will not show in your club roster – they will only show in their first claim club roster.



Changing BC Athletics affiliated clubs mid-year

When a members has signed up for the year and then decides to change club affiliations mid- year there is a procedure to follow depending on his/her status.

  1. Member is Unattached and wants to join a BC Athletics affiliated club.

In this case no documentation is required.  The club registrar for the club needs to contact the BC Athletics office and request the membership be placed in the club roster.

  1. Member is currently a BC Athletics affiliated club member.

If the member is already a member of a BC Athletics affiliated club, an Application for Club Member Transfer.  The form can be found under the Membership/Clubs/Additional Forms tab on the BC Athletics website.

To complete the form:

            Section 1 – Completed and signed by the individual member.

            Section 2 – Completed by club executive member of the releasing club

            Section 3 – Completed by a club executive member of the receiving club

Because it’s sometimes difficult to coordinate the completion of a single copy of the form by all parties required, the individual requesting the transfer can:

  • The individual requesting the transfer can complete section 1 and forward a copy of it to the other two parties for them to complete.  Once completed by the other 2 parties the forms can be returned to the individual member who will forward all 3 copies to the BC Athletics office.
  • The individual requesting the transfer can complete section 1, send a copy to the other 2 parties and request that the other 2 parties send their completed sections directly to the BC Athletics office where it will be combined into one form.

Once BCA has received the equivalent of a fully completed form (all 3 sections completed correctly) a copy signed by BC Athletics will be forwarded to all 3 parties and the membership will be transferred on T.me by the provincial registrar.

Changing provincial branches mid membership year

Members wishing to transfer provincial branches mid-membership year will need to contact the BCA office in order to move an existing BC Athletics membership to another province.

Access to Trackie.me

Trackie.me (T.me) is the national membership database that BC Athletics uses to enter individual memberships and club membership.  Access to T.me is limited to BCA members who have a current Associate membership and a Trackie.me Club Access Waiver Form for the current year on file at the BC Athletics office. 

T.me contains personal information and it is up to each person with access to safeguard that information.  Once the waiver has been finalized the individual will be given access.  Access is not transferable to anyone else and is for sole use by the person it was granted to.  Anyone sharing their username and/or password will have their access deleted.

Remember that the Zone structure changed in 2016!

The BC Summer Games realigned their Zones structure to better represent what’s happening population wise in BC. 

BC Athletics uses the BC Summer Games zone structure for our membership so it is important that you make yourself aware of the changes to ensure each member entered in the upcoming year placed in their correct zone.

Please refer to the BC Games Zone Structure Realignment” document available on the website.  


Trackie.Reg – Club Membership payment gateway available for BC Athletics affiliated clubs

BC Athletics affiliated clubs can now set themselves up with an online membership payment gateway to collect both their own club fees and the BC Athletics portion of membership fees.  Trackie will provide a payment gateway set up so clubs can have their members sign up online.  Clubs will receive payment either by cheque or direct deposit along with a detailed spreadsheet detailing the memberships at the end of each month.  The BC Athletics membership fee portion of the club membership fees paid by individual members will be automatically forwarded to BC Athletics. 

This will streamline things considerably at both the club and BC Athletics level.  Any clubs interested should contact Adam Stacey at Trackie for full details.

A special note about memberships entered from September 1st to December 31st

There still seems to be some confusion surrounding the length of membership a person receives when they sign up after September 1st.  Not everyone will automatically receive a 16 month membership good through to the end of the next membership year when they sign up September 1st or later. 

  • If they were a member in the last membership year ( 2016 ) – they will only receive a membership good through to the current year (2017). 
  • If they are first time BC Athletics members, or were previously last a member in 2015 or earlier, they will receive a membership that is valid for the remainder of 2017 and all of 2018.

Multiple Membership Types

Members pay only one membership fee per year - the highest fee over all membership types applied for.  They are not charged a separate fee for each type of membership held.  

What is extremely important is to be sure that members have all of the membership categories relevant to their participation in the club/sport indicated on Trackie.me each year.  As an example if someone is a Coach, Senior athlete and club board member they must have a "Coach", "Senior" and "Associate" membership indicated for the year. The fee charged would be $94.50 as the "Senior" membership is the highest fee.

If all membership types for an individual are not indicated on Trackie.me, insurance coverage for both the individual and the club will not be in place for any participation/activities in membership types omitted.





Clubs - Membership additions, changes, corrections

Please submit membership add/change requests with the form below. This form must be completed and submitted by a BC Athletics affiliated club Registrar.

Request to Add, Change, Correct Membership for an Existing Club Member


Access to Trackie.me

Trackie.me (T.me) is the national membership database that BC Athletics uses to enter individual memberships and club membership.  Access to T.me is limited to BCA members who have a current Associate membership and a Trackie.me Club Access Waiver Form for the current year on file at the BC Athletics office. 

T.me contains personal information and it is up to each person with access to safeguard that information.  Once the waiver has been finalized the individual will be given access.  Access is not transferable to anyone else and is for sole use by the person it was granted to.  Anyone sharing their username and/or password will have their access deleted.

Clubs are required to submit a waiver each membership year for each club member who has access to Trackie.me.  Those wishing to have access to the 2018 membership year must have an approved waiver on file at the BC Athletics office before any 2018 memberships can be entered.  The 2018 membership database will be accessible beginning September 1st, 2017.  All individuals with access must have a current "Associate" membership in place prior to receiving access.  

The form can be initiated by the person receiving Trackie.me access or the club executive member making the request.  Download the form and complete your section and then forward it to the other party.  Once sections 1 & 2 have been completed forward the form to Sam Collier at sam.collier@bcathletics.org for approval.  Both parties will receive an approved form for your records.

2018 Trackie.me Access Waiver

Trackie.Reg – Club Membership payment gateway available for BC Athletics affiliated clubs

BC Athletics affiliated clubs can now set themselves up with an online membership payment gateway to collect both their own club fees and the BC Athletics portion of membership fees.  Trackie will provide a payment gateway set up so clubs can have their members sign up online.  Clubs will receive payment either by cheque or direct deposit along with a detailed spreadsheet detailing the memberships at the end of each month.  The BC Athletics membership fee portion of the club membership fees paid by individual members will be automatically forwarded to BC Athletics. 

This will streamline things considerably at both the club and BC Athletics level.  Any clubs interested should contact Adam Stacey at Trackie for full details.

Club Transfers

Transfering clubs mid-year

When a members has signed up for the year and then decides to change club affiliations mid- year there is a procedure to follow depending on his/her status.

  1. Member is Unattached and wants to join a BC Athletics affiliated club.

In this case no documentation is required.  The club registrar for the club needs to contact the BC Athletics office and request the membership be placed in the club roster.

  1. Member is currently a BC Athletics affiliated club member.

If the member is already a member of a BC Athletics affiliated club, an Application for Club Member Transfer.  The form can be found under the Membership/Clubs/Additional Forms tab on the BC Athletics website.

To complete the form:

            Section 1 – Completed and signed by the individual member.

            Section 2 – Completed by club executive member of the releasing club

            Section 3 – Completed by a club executive member of the receiving club

Because it’s sometimes difficult to coordinate the completion of a single copy of the form by all parties required, the individual requesting the transfer can:

  • The individual requesting the transfer can complete section 1 and forward a copy of it to the other two parties for them to complete.  Once completed by the other 2 parties the forms can be returned to the individual member who will forward all 3 copies to the BC Athletics office.
  • The individual requesting the transfer can complete section 1, send a copy to the other 2 parties and request that the other 2 parties send their completed sections directly to the BC Athletics office where it will be combined into one form.

Once BCA has received the equivalent of a fully completed form (all 3 sections completed correctly) a copy signed by BC Athletics will be forwarded to all 3 parties and the membership will be transferred on T.me by the provincial registrar.

2nd Claim Club Status

2nd Claim Club memberships:
If someone is actively taking part in your club but holds a first claim membership with another club you must ensure that:

  1. They are in fact a current member of the first claim club
  2. They have a BC Athletics membership in place that is appropriate for the activities in your club
  3. A 2nd Claim Club Status form has been completed and signed by all 3 parties – the individual (Section 1), the First Claim club (Section 2) and the 2nd Claim Club. 
  4. The 2nd Claim Club Status form clearly indicates the type of activity the individual is involved in, in your club.

The form must be submitted to BC Athletics.  It will be verified, signed and returned to all parties involved.   The signed form must be kept on file by all parties for the remainder of the membership year. A new form must be filed for each membership year.   All membership forms and information should be kept on file for a period of 5 years by the clubs. 

At the present time there is no way to indicate 2nd Claim Club membership on Trackie.me but eventually that will be available.  2nd Claim Club members will not show in your club roster – they will only show in their first claim club roster.

Criminal Records Checks

Criminal Records Checks:

   Everyone in your club with a Coach, Associate or Officials membership MUST have a Criminal Records Check (CRC) on file with your club.  This is a BC Athletics rule and a requirement by the Province of British Columbia.  Without a CRC on file members run the risk of compromising their liability insurance coverage.  There are currently a large number of individuals who should have a CRC noted on their membership data but there is nothing indicated. 

    If your members have a CRC done and on file with the club get  the information entered on T.Me as soon as possible.  A CRC is good with BC Athletics for a period of 4 years.  Enter the date of the CRC and enter a date exactly 4 years later as the Expiry date. 

   If they don’t have a CRC done get it done immediately and get the information entered on their T.Me file.  Clubs can now get CRC’s done online through the Province of BC website by setting things up as was noted in my email earlier this year.  For those who haven’t done it yet here is the information I sent out:

Free on-line Criminal Records Checks are now available to specified organizations through the Province of British Columbia Criminal Records Review Program. 

General Information

Club Registration

Volunteer consent form


Requests for a Certificate of Insurance

Clubs are regularly required to provide proof of insurance coverage for renting facilities for meetings, use of facilities for training etc. PLease complete a Request for Certificate of Insurance Form 


Membership Requirements and Information

Who needs to be a BC Athletics member?

Good question.  It’s probably obvious that club athletes and their coaches need to be members of BC Athletics, but who else should be a member?

In order for insurance coverage to be in place clubs must ensure that ALL of the rules of the association are met.  This means it’s critical that everyone who should be a BC Athletics member has a membership applicable to their activities in the club in place at all times.  Members who participate in more than one type of activity in the club must make sure they have all the membership types they need indicated.  Someone who Coaches, takes part in Masters’ athletics and serves on the club Board of Directors should have a Coach, Masters and Associate membership noted in their membership information on Trackie.me.  Members with multiple membership types only pay one fee - the highest fee over all types applied for. 

Make sure all memberships a club member needs are indicated and in place so if proof is ever needed that they held a membership appropriate for their activities it’s in place.  Their memberships need to be entered on T.me as soon as they are active in the club each year.  If coaches and athletes are training as of January 1st make sure they have their BC Athletics memberships in place on January 1st. Your club Board of Directors and club executive need to have their Associate memberships in place on January 1st as well.

All club athletes must have a BC Athletics competitive membership in place.  Competitive athletes should have their BC Athletics memberships in place on January 1st each year.  This will ensure that:

  • The athlete, coach and the club have insurance in place.
  • Any performances achieved early in the year will be recognized for:
    • Team Selection
    • Provincial and National Rankings
    • Provincial and National carding
    • Those athletes receiving national and/or provincial carding are eligible to receive funds.

Athletes who hold non-competitive memberships such as “Training” also need to have their memberships in place to ensure the athlete, coach and club have insurance in place.

Club Board of Directors and Executive members:

  Your Board of Directors and/or Club Executive must all be members of BC Athletics with an “Associate” membership in place.  In a lot of cases these individuals participate in a number of different activities in the club so be SURE all membership types they require are noted.

  The club BOD is also active all year round so make sure they have their memberships in place on January 1st each year.  Even if they join January 1st and your club has an AGM and elections within a month, the existing BOD members must be covered by an current Associate membership.  Then, as soon as new Board members are elected they need to get their membership in place.

  To be safe, if an individual has a recognized ongoing position/responsibility that is ongoing in the club they should have a membership in place.  An example would be a Club Manager.


Changing provincial branches mid membership year

Members wishing to transfer provincial branches mid-membership year will need to contact the BCA office in order to move an existing BC Athletics membership to another province.


BC Summer Games and the BC Athletics Zone structure changed in 2016!

The BC Summer Games realigned their Zones structure to better represent what’s happening population wise in BC. 

BC Athletics uses the BC Summer Games zone structure for our membership so it is important that you make yourself aware of the changes to ensure each member entered in the upcoming year placed in their correct zone.

Please refer to the BC Games Zone Structure Realignment” document available on the website.  

Memberships entered from September 1st to December 31st

There still seems to be some confusion surrounding the length of membership a person receives when they sign up after September 1st Not everyone will automatically receive a 16 month membership good through to the end of the next membership year when they sign up September 1st or later. 

  • If they were a member in the last membership year ( 2016 ) – they will only receive a membership good through to the current year (2017). 
  • If they are first time BC Athletics members, or were previously last a member in 2015 or earlier, they will receive a membership that is valid for the remainder of 2017 and all of 2018.

Members with Multiple Membership Types

Members pay only one membership fee per year - the highest fee over all membership types applied for.  They are not charged a separate fee for each type of membership held.  

What is extremely important is to be sure that members have all of the membership categories relevant to their participation in the club/sport indicated on Trackie.me each year.  As an example if someone is a Coach, Senior athlete and club board member they must have a "Coach", "Senior" and "Associate" membership indicated for the year. The fee charged would be $94.50 as the "Senior" membership is the highest fee.

If all membership types for an individual are not indicated on Trackie.me, insurance coverage for both the individual and the club will not be in place for any participation/activities in membership types omitted.

Tax Information for Member Clubs