Gender: M
Performance (sum of best 4): 2458.40
Age Grading (sum of best 4): 263.10
Participation: 5 Race(s)
Performance Ranking: 102
Age Graded Ranking: 104
Junior Ranking: 8

# Race Time Performance Age Graded View
3 BMO St Patrick's Day 5K 00:21:39 600.74 64.75%
4 Modo Spring Run-Off 8K 00:41:40 514.46 54.97%
5 Vancouver Sun Run 10K 00:47:10 576.15 61.20%
8 BlueShore Financial Longest Day 5K 00:19:40 661.32 71.28%
11 Vancouver Eastside 10K 00:43:49 620.20 65.87%