Officials - First and Second Claim Club Declarations


Here's a quick guideto help with declaring First and Second Claim Club affiliation for 2021.  As always - if you have questions just email

Currently Unattached Officials

  1. Decide wihich club will be your First Claim Club and which will be your 2nd Claim Club
  2. Have the club registrar for the First Claim Club complete a Request to Add, Change, Correct Membership Form to move you into thier club
  3. Download and complete the first section of the Second Claim Club Status Form .All three parties must complete thier section of the form - the Official, The 2nd CLaim Club and the 1st Claim Club.  Any of the 3 parties caninitiatet the form - just make sure you forward it to me once all 3 sections are complete.
  4. Once I receive the completed form I will sign it and send all 3 parties a copy.  Please keep a copy handy for the remainder of this membership year.  Officials should print out a copy and have it handy if requested.

Officials currently with a club who wish to add a 2nd Claim Club:

  1. Download and complete the first section of the Second Claim Club Status Form .All three parties must complete thier section of the form - the Official, The 2nd CLaim Club and the 1st Claim Club.  Any of the 3 parties can start the form - just make sure you forward it to me once all 3 sections are complete.
  2. Once I receive the completed form I will sign it and send all 3 parties a copy.  Please keep a copy handy for the remainder of this membership year.  Officials should print out a copy and have it handy if requested.

Changing 2nd Cliam Club Affiliation:

In order to change 2nd Claim Club affiliation during the year, a new Second Claim Club Status Form must be completed and submitted to the BC Athletics office.

I hope this helps streamline things.  

Cheers and Stay Safe!

Sam Collier