BC Athletics is Proud to Announce Front-Line Heroes Award Recipients
BC Athletics and all its members are proud to recognize the tremendous hard work and sacrifices being made daily by all our health care workers and those in essential services. We are honored to celebrate those who have gone the extra mile to ensure their patients, co-workers, and community members receive the service and support they need during this global crisis.
BC Athletics is delighted to nominate nine individuals for the Front-Line Heroes Award. These awards are presented to deserving BC Athletics members (or their immediate family members) who have been working the front lines in health care and/or essential services.
Catherine Mastine Hometown: White Rock Club: Kajaks Track & Field Club Role: Family Member Occupation: Nurse; Peace Arch Hospital Going the Extra Mile: As a Nurse for over 3 decades at Peace Arch Hospital in South Surrey, she has worked tirelessly in their Emergency Department. Selflessly, she has been exposing herself to put the health of the community and others before her own. |
Jess Aujla Hometown: Surrey Club: Greyhounds Masters Track and Field Club Role: Athlete Occupation: LifeLabs Medical Laboratory Going the Extra Mile: Jess has provided diagnostic medical laboratory services to the public and medical professionals since 1997. His vast experience in this field has encompassed working during the SARS, MERS, H1N1 influenza, and Zika virus on the frontline, collecting laboratory specimens. During Jess's tenure in this capacity, Jess and his team served over 175 patients daily at an exhausting and non-stop pace. His dedication, resilience, leadership, and work ethic is his true strength and fundamental character. He is a true people person and never hesitates to put others before himself. |
Jarrett Chong Hometown: Port Coquitlam Club: Royal City Track & Field Club Role: Athlete Occupation: Costco Wholesale Going the Extra Mile: When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and his school shut down, Jarrett did not hesitate to look for a job to help others. He was fortunate to have been hired by a fantastic company at Costco Wholesale. Jarrett is a hard worker and continues to work part-time as long as he can. |
David Ariano Hometown: Coldstream Club: Vernon Amateur Athletics Association Role: Coach Occupation: Doctor; Vernon Jubilee Hospital Emergency Dept. Going the Extra Mile: As an Emergency Room Doctor David took part in meetings and collaborated with his emergency department colleagues on how to approach COVID-19 patients with respect to patient care and flow in the emergency department. He worked with colleagues on simulated patients to help establish appropriate and safe protocols to intubating and ventilating critically ill COVID-19 patients. During the Pandemic David has risked his own health often working directly with suspected COVID-19 patients. |
Parmveer Brar Hometown: Surrey Club: Universal Athletics Club Role: Associate Occupation: Doctor; Surrey Memorial Hospital Going the Extra Mile: Dr. Parmveer Brar has been working day and night as an emergency medicine resident at Surrey Memorial Hospital during this difficult time. Parm is an example of how sport does not only develop great athletes but also great people who contribute back to society! |
Emily Kydd Hometown: Vancouver Club: Universal Athletics Club Role: Official Occupation: Operations Manager; WISH (Women’s Information and Safe Haven) Drop-In Going the Extra Mile: Emily has worked at WISH for almost three years and is currently the Operations Manager of this non-profit agency supporting the most vulnerable women (and those identifying as women) working in the street-based sex trade. Located in the Downtown Eastside, Emily 's position covers a range of responsibility, from coordinating with various levels of government to performing basic plumbing and repair work. During the pandemic Emily has negotiated with government and sister agencies to expand access to safe toilets and washing facilities for women on the DTES. |
Rosalia Vlahovic Hometown: Surrey Club: Universal Athletics Club Role: Family Member Occupation: Normanna Care Services Going the Extra Mile: Lia supports seniors with extreme needs, working at Normanna Care Centre, a non-profit residential care home in Burnaby. She provides comfort, care, and compassion in a gentle and respectful manner, and is a valued employee. Hers is a challenging job, assisting with personal hygiene, dressing, communication, and feeding of elders who need full physical care. |
Pauline Barlow Hometown: North Vancouver Club: Lions Gate Road Runners Role: Athlete Occupation: Nurse; Vancouver Coastal Health Going the Extra Mile: Pauline is a Registered Nurse at Lions Gate Hospital and since the onset of COVID-19 in BC she has worked long shifts in the event of staff shortage or there is need. When Lions Gate hospital opened a COVID-19 Unit, she volunteered to work in the unit despite the risks and fear of the unknown. She has been of great help to her community, always leading by example about social distancing whenever a chance occurs. |
Ravneet Gill Hometown: Surrey Club: Universal Athletics Club Role: Family Member Occupation: London Drugs Pharmacy (Guildford) Going the Extra Mile: During the COVID-19 Crisis Ravneet has taken on extra shifts, worked overtime, and worked at multiple locations while they were short staffed all while still attending school (online). She is recognized has being an extremely hardworking and humble person, never complaining about the extra work and regularly goes above and beyond to complete tasks not asked of her. |
On behalf of all of BC Athletics thank you for all you do in insuring the health, safety, and well-being of everyone in British Columbia.